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ASL Video Transcripts - DeafBlind Page

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DeafBlind Page

Hi, welcome to T-Mobile Accessibility. I will sign the content on this page.

Communication commitment.

T-Mobile is committed to serving the DeafBlind community with services and a dedicated outreach team. Our DeafBlind outreach team presents to the community nationwide, offering trainings regarding our IP Relay products.

Call when you need to. Use braille when you want to.

T-Mobile IP Relay offers the DeafBlind community a variety of options to easily make and receive phone calls.

IP Relay is a braille device-compatible communication service that is customizable. You can use a computer, a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. It’s so easy to make and receive phone calls.

Accessible wireless.

T-Mobile has the largest and fastest 5G network in the nation. You can communicate fast in more places using VRS or IP Relay. You can have confidence that your communication is fast and smooth in many different places. And we have options that can meet your needs. T-Mobile offers fantastic value for all the communities we serve.

Our happy customers have a lot to share.

Michelle Tomasi, New York Usher’s Syndrome Ambassador in New York City, and T-Mobile, both hosted a virtual presentation as well as a community event. The virtual presentation talked about various communication, accessibility options. “People learned so much from them. And the community gathering was such a joyful experience.”

Rhonda from Rochester, New York. Testimony. “My favorite feature of IP Relay is that you can get voice messages in email form. I don’t have to repeatedly watch a video message to try to understand it.”