Traditional relay (TRS)
Traditional relay services
Authorized by the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the FCC set up Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) — the world's first state-mandated way for people who are deaf or hard of hearing to communicate using the phone. Originally, these "traditional" relay services were available only by TTY, and are still available for people who prefer that means to connect.
State Relay. Dialing 7-1-1 in your state connects you to your state's relay service. Through this service people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind, or have a speech disability can make and receive phone calls, funded by the states they live in. Options include TTY-based services — accessed by dialing 7-1-1 — Voice Carry Over, Hearing Carry Over and Speech-to-Speech. Specific services vary by state. Visit your state from the list below to see what services your state offers.
Visit your state's TRS page.
* Wait! Before you choose your state, make sure you turn off the popup blocker in your browser. Then choose your state from the drop-down menu to go to your state.
TRS customer profile.
Want your TRS calls to include your preferences every time you use the service? Set up a TRS Customer profile! This speeds up call processing and ensures that your preferred long distance carrier is used every time you make a call.
More about traditional relay.
T-Mobile has offered some form of relay for over 30 years. You have questions, we have answers.
Yes. You can reach the national relay service at the following numbers:
¡Sí! T-Mobile Accessibility offers Spanish relay services for our Spanish-speaking customers. TTY users can type in Spanish and the conversations that are relayed in Spanish to the other party. Spanish-to-Spanish relay service and Spanish translation are available upon request in some states and T-Mobile Interstate Relay.
Accesibilidad de T-Mobile ofrece servicios de relevo en español para nuestros clientes que hablan español. Los usuarios de TTY pueden escribir en español y las conversaciones serán retransmitidas en español a la otra parte. El servicio de relevo de español a español y la traducción al español están disponibles bajo solicitud en algunos estados y por Retransmisión Interestatal de T-Mobile.
In addition to TTY calls, State Relay Services also include:
- Voice Carry Over (VCO)
- Hearing Carry Over (HCO)
- Speech to Speech (STS)
For a full description of how each service works, visit your State's Relay website.
VCO means the caller’s voice literally “carries” directly to the party on the other end. In this way, people who are hard-of-hearing or deaf can speak using their own voice to a hearing person. There is a Relay Operator on the call, who simply types every word spoken by the hearing person. These words appear as text on the TTY screen for a hard-of-hearing or deaf person to read and respond to.
Hearing Carry-Over (HCO) allows speech-disabled users with hearing to listen to the person they are calling. The HCO user types his/her conversation for the Relay Operator to read to the standard telephone user.
- Phone: 1-800-676-3777 Voice/TTY or 800-676-4290 Spanish
- Address: T-Mobile Accessibility Care, KSOPHD01-Z8200, 6220 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66251-8200
- Fax: 1-877-877-3291
- Email: access@t-mobile.com